#ChatGramLive Guest: Corey Walker of The Marketing Specialist
Corey Walker has been in the marketing communications field for over 20 years, working both in-house in corporate marketing, and for the past 13 years in her own marketing firm, The Marketing Specialist. Corey works with many clients on social media strategy, management, ad campaigns and analytics. Most recently, she co-authored Instagram for Business for Dummies with Jenn Herman and Eric Butow. She is a lifelong learner, so having a career in social media is a perfect fit!
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For this episode of #ChatGramLive we chatted with Corey Walker, one of the authors of, Instagram for Business…for Dummies. So naturally we chatted about Instagram for Business. Look at why should we have a business profile, what are the benefits, what things should we keep in mind when running business profile, and so much more.
#ChatGramLive Reminder
#ChatGramLive is a Facebook Live talk show only about Instagram.
#ChatGramLive is on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of every month at 1PM ET/10AM PT. Be sure to LIKE Ken Watson of WatsonKS Facebook Page so you don’t miss on a Live broadcast!
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